Culvert Road

Client: Balance Out Living

Location: Battersea, London

Status: Planning Approved

Co-Living Development 213 Generous Studio Apartments

Claridge Architects has submitted a full planning application for a sustainable Co-Living development within the heart of Battersea. The proposal demonstrates the justification for the redevelopment of the previously abandoned site into a high quality scheme. The ambition is to complement and enhance the spirit of the area by creating a contemporary yet contextually-driven architectural intervention.

The proposed accommodation offers a mix of 20sqm, 25sqm, and 30sqm units that meet modern living preferences, which makes up the 213 generous studio apartments. Whilst also offering, street-level public realm space with active frontage, 567sqm of landscape amenity space across various levels of the building including water feature, soft landscaping, green walls, feature planting and edible/herb gardens. Landscaped terraces allow residents to enjoy panoramic views across London. Extensive internal amenities, secure cycle parking and ancillary spaces.

The treatment of the facade aims to pick up the successful elements of the previously consented scheme, such as the clear textured vertical elements and the additions of metal panelling with new additional elements to compliment and enhance the facade. The scheme presents stepped reveals and panels with a variation of hue, depth, texture and shadow. The facades are articulated across the scheme and broken into the elements of base, body, amenity and crown. This helps break the massing while complimenting the rhythm of the facades whilst enhancing active frontage and user experience.


Lower Essex Street

